Assessment to Member’s for 2025
I want to give all of our member’s an update on the assessment we had for 2024 and the plan for 2025.
Our plan in 2024 was to replace all floors in the club, upstairs and downstairs. We did replace the floors downstairs along with painting the walls in the hallways and yoga room. We had the following unexpected expenses last year:
The damage to our fairways due to the harsh winter -----------$45,000
Pump that had to be repaired------------------------------------------$ 9,000
Repairs to Swimming pool-----------------------------------------------$ 6,500
Repairs to Tractor----------------------------------------------------------$ 4,500
Treatment for Army worms----------------------------------------------$5,500
Repaired all lights across the front of the building-----------------$6,000
Increase in cost for chemicals and fertilizer--------------------------$30,000
We have made vast improvements in the club over the past 7 years since we have owned the club, without increasing the dues.
The club has only had 2-3 assessments over the past 20 years, which is by far the lowest number of any club in the state.
My wife and I, along with the entire staff, work very hard to keep costs down to a minimum while still giving the members the experience expected.
That being said, in order for us to complete the upstairs renovations and the repairs to the pool, we will be continuing the $50 a month assessment throughout 2025. All monies that we collect in assessment goes directly to upgrades/repairs to the club. We will continue to strive to make our club the best club in North Alabama. We hope that all members understand and support the club while we continue to improve it for everyone’s enjoyment.
Belinda & Andy Villarreal